Funding phase 2 (2021-2024)
The Contested General and the New Common
The Research Unit‘s initial thesis still holds relevant: Crises and conflicts in late modern societies contribute to more and more urgent social and political debates about the self-understanding and the rules of cohabitation, as well as about who is part of the ’Us‘ that can negotiate these questions legitimately. In our first funding phase, it became clear that conceptions and imaginations of notions as diverse as justice, human rights and the common good, general interest, the commons, solidarity and community are central moments in practices of collectivity. In our second funding phase, therefore, we put special emphasis on these notions. We place collectives front and center because they are important initiators of negotiations around community, the common good, and solidarity.
Sub-project A: Claiming a Common World? Gender in Environmental Law and Climate Litigation | Humboldt University Berlin, Law
Team: Susanne Baer Petra Sußner Ida Westphal Marie-Luise Hartwig Alina Mehrens
Sub-project B: Overcoming Borders. Legal categorisation of gender, “race” and class in transnational labor conflicts | European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Law
Team: Eva Kocher Isabell Hensel Marie Keller Verena von Deetzen Jan Hübbe Chiara Losavio Rizzi
Sub-project C: Within and Beyond Law? Feminist Perspectives on Urban and Housing Commons | Technical University Berlin, Social Science
Team: Sabine Hark Hanna Meißner Bettina Barthel Nina Fraeser
Sub-project D: The Organization of Consumer Protection – Political Actors and Legal Framework | University of Potsdam, Social Science
Team: Maja Apelt Matthias Schneider Teresa Löckmann Lilly-Allegra Hickisch
Sub-project E: The Mobilization of Law through / as Collectivization? Anti-Discrimination and Equality Law as Institutional and Political Practice | Humboldt University Berlin, European Ethnology
Team: Beate Binder Alik Mazukatow Michèle Kretschel Alica Bonauer
Sub-project F: Human Rights, Queer Genders and Sexualities since the 1970s | Free University Berlin, History
Team: Martin Lücke Andrea Rottmann Merlin Sophie Bootsmann Greta Hülsmann
Sub-Project 0: Coordinating project | Humboldt University Berlin, European Ethnology/Gender Studies
Team: Patrick Wielowiejski Maria Lorenzen