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Coordinating Project

Inter- and transdisciplinarity are not just modes of working together, but they require their own epistemic approaches. When inter- and transdisciplinarity are more than just buzzwords, and when they are implemented in a theoretically and methodologically adequate way, we can learn crucial things concerning the Research Unit’s empirical questions and qualify our knowledge production (which has long transcended disciplinary boundaries anyhow).

During our first funding phase, these epistemic approaches were discussed at our regular internal meetings and in workshops with external experts. In order to deepen the Research Unit’s epistemic potential in our second funding phase, and to develop it into a distinct theoretical contribution, the coordinating project will systematize the specific interests and contributions of each discipline, the joint conceptual repertoire, as well as our contributions to the methodology of interdisciplinary research. With regard to the thematic foci of the Research Unit, we are particularly interested in making visible the heuristic added value of an inter- and transdisciplinarily oriented legal gender studies, based on concrete (legal) problems and through a genuinely transdisciplinary conceptual repertoire. Thereby, our aim is to open up new directions for conversations between academic and non-academic contexts.

Team:   Patrick Wielowiejski   Maria Lorenzen