Funding phase 1 (2018-2021)
Processes of Standardization, Categorization and Generating Solidarity
The question of belonging and participation is one of the most contentious ones in Western democracies today. Law plays a central role here, be it as a point of reference to articulate a demand, or as a goal in order to shift existing boundaries. New social conflicts bear witness to this dynamic, for example around anti-discrimination legislation and the rights of workers, the question of who the city belongs to, or the rights of refugees, as well as generally around the possibility of the equal participation of all “in the practice of civic self-determination” (Jürgen Habermas). Continue reading…
Sub-project A: Claiming a Common World? Gender in Environmental Law and Climate Litigation | Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Law
Team: Susanne Baer Petra Sußner Marie-Luise Hartwig
Sub-project B: Self-empowerment in juridified spheres. Changes of gendered collectives in workplace and employment | European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Law
Team: Eva Kocher Isabell Hensel Judith Höllmann Vanessa Kasprick Theresa Tschenker (associate member)
Sub-project C: Reinventing Collectivity? The ‘Rediscovery’ of Commonality. An Investigation of Discourses and Practices of Urban Co-housing | Technical University Berlin, Social Science
Team: Sabine Hark Hanna Meißner Bettina Barthel Nina Fraeser Vanessa Einbrodt
Sub-project D: Male alliances of military and fire department — political interest groups and legal interventions | University of Potsdam, Social Science
Team: Maja Apelt Ray Trautwein Henrik Dosdall
Sub-project E: The Mobilization of Law through / as Collectivization? Anti-Discrimination and Equality Law as Institutional and Political Practice | Humboldt University Berlin, European Ethnology
Team: Beate Binder Martina Klausner Nabila El-Khatib Alik Mazukatow Hendrik Steppke Michèle Kretschel
Sub-project F: Homosexual emancipation movements and legal framework in the Federal German Republic from 2002 and 1945 | Free University Berlin, History
Team: Martin Lücke Veronika Springmann Adrian Lehne Maria Ganten