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Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer, LL.M. (Michigan)

Professor for Public Law and Gender Studies at Humboldt University Berlin; Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court
Principle Investigator of sub-project A: “Claiming a Common World? Gender in Environmental Law and Climate Litigation”

To understand law and its limits, we need to ask questions about law as a sociocultural factor for societal change. This research group pursues the issue  at a fascinating as well as  highly topical intersection. How are gender relations negotiated, if we focus on collectives relating to and dealing with law?

For publications in German please refer to the German version of this page.


  • Baer, Susanne (2019): „Equality adds Quality: On Upgrading Higher Education and Research in the Field of Law“.

    In: Vujdanovic, Dragica und Zorana Antonijevic (Hg.): Rodna Ravnopravnost u Visokom Obrazovanju: Koncepti, prakse i izazovi. Novi Sad: Akademska Knjiga, S. 267-285.

  • Baer, Susanne (2019): „Democracy in peril: a call for amici and amicae curiae and critical lawyering“.

    In: Transnational Legal Theory 10 (2), S. 140-162.
  • Baer, Susanne (2018): „The Rule of—and not by any—Law. On Constitutionalism“.

    In: Current Legal Problems 71 (1), S. 335–368.
  • Baer, Susanne (2017): „Speaking Law: Towards a Nuanced Analysis of “Cases”“.

    In: German Law Journal 18 (2), S. 271-292.