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Workshop - Legal Research: Transdisciplinary - Intersectional - Empirical

Friday, 14.12.2018, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., University of Potsdam.

For a workshop, the research group Law - Gender - Collectivity at the University of Potsdam met with friendly researchers* and experts from the field. Based on initial questions and results, the workshop discussed how the respective subprojects operationalize legal concepts in an inter- and transdisciplinary discussion framework under the headings of (re)constructions, invocations, and mobilizations. The aim was to further develop the common understanding of the respective disciplinary approaches, and thus to perspective a resilient foundation for further legal research in the FOR.

Commentators: Sonja Buckel, Doris Schweitzer, Thomas Scheffer, Larissa Vetters.